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Backyard Blogging.

Did You Know a Hot Tub Can Aid Digestion?

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. That means friends, family, and food – lots of food.

If you, like most of us, over-indulge in turkey, stuffing, cranberries, and mashed potatoes, and you feel glued to the sofa and uncomfortable, we have a tip for you.

A soak in the hot tub can help you digest that wonderful meal.

Let’s take a look at how a hot tub can aid digestion.

How Does the Body Digest Food?

Once you eat your meal, your body begins the process of breaking it down and absorbing all the nutrients. The blood flow in your stomach and intestines increases to help with digestion.

The heavier the meal, the harder your body has to work and the longer it takes to digest. What’s more, your body requires more blood flow to break down heavier meals, such as that delicious Thanksgiving feast. So, you can see that it might take a day or more to break down your meal.

UM health benefits

How Can I Aid Digestion and Help the Process?

One way to aid digestion is to soak in your hot tub for at least 20 minutes after you eat your Thanksgiving meal or any large meal.

Time spent in a warm water massage makes your blood vessels widen. This causes vasodilation to occur, making it easier for blood to flow through your arteries and reach other parts of your body.

This lessens the burden on your heart, improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, and helps your stomach digest its many contents.

Are There Other Benefits?

Holidays can be stressful for many people. Whether you need downtime from a crowd or a cantankerous relative, a hot tub is a perfect retreat.

Slip away to the comfort of the hot tub and its hydro massage. While it aids in your digestion, it can also help you relax and emerge refreshed and ready to continue your day.

You’ll find so many benefits hidden inside your hot tub. We encourage you to make every day better by soaking a little bit more!