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Backyard Blogging.

5 Reasons You Should Have an Outdoor Kitchen

It’s hot in the summer in Kansas, so if you’re like us, cooking in the kitchen is the last thing you want to do. So, we like cooking outdoors in our own outdoor kitchen.

Creating a place to cook outside is a good investment in your home as well as your health. Let’s look at five reasons you should have an outdoor kitchen this summer.

#1: It’s Great for Entertaining

Entertaining is definitely more fun when you do it outside in the summer. This is why an outdoor kitchen is perfect for large and small groups of family and friends.

Everyone can enjoy time together outside, talking to the cook, who thankfully isn’t relegated to the kitchen all alone.

Plus, it’s super fun to grill outside in the spring and fall when there’s a crispness to the air. Just add patio heaters!

#2: Utility Bills are Cheaper

It costs a lot to keep your home cool in the Kansas summer, especially when you are using your stove and your oven.

But, with an outdoor kitchen, you leave the heat outside where it belongs. Your air conditioner can continue to hum along at its own pace without having to work extra hard to keep your home cool.

You can grill, smoke, bake, fry, roast, and broil food in your outside kitchen, all while saving on your electric bills.

#3: Keeps Garlic and Onions Outside

Having just cooked inside, we know how smells can linger. This is another popular reason for using an outdoor kitchen. Not only can you keep smells like garlic and onions outside, but fish, fried foods, and other smells that aren’t so great the day after.

#4: Gives You More Living Space

And who doesn’t want more living space. Consider extending your patio, adding more patio furniture, some outdoor tables, music, a television, and ambient lighting for the perfect living space.

Your friends and family will really enjoy hanging out with you while you cook in your outdoor kitchen.

#5: Helps You Cook Healthier

Grilling helps you cook healthier, and this is increasingly important as we learn about long-term issues from too much fat. When you grill, the fat drips off the meat. Plus, when grilling outside, you’re more apt to stay away from heavy pastas and eat more veggies.

Final Thoughts

Ready to take the plunge? We can help you with your outdoor kitchen as well as the overall design of your space. With plenty of outdoor kitchens to choose from as well as several brands of grills, multiple choices in patio furniture, and more, you’ll find we’re you’re one-stop local shop!

Contact us today!

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